
Showing posts from 2013

You just gotta let it go

Easy come Easy go but it isn't easy to let go. Sometimes what we want the most causes us the most pain. Is the desire that is NOT in the will of God that important that you are willing to lose your mind over it? Consider the cost, recognize your worth, and value what time you have left. Stop wasting energy on an unnecessary self inflicted pain. Rediscover who you are, find your purpose, and let God handle the rest. In due season.. If you don't give up.. You  will discover desires that were buried underneath your pain. You are loved!!! Psalm 37:4; Philippians 3:13-14; Galatians 6:9 Fredrika 

Don't be a victim..get it together.

It has been a minute since I have actually written a blog. Truth be told I have not wanted to write because I was scared of the thoughts that were floating in my brain. Finally, I read Romans 12:1-2 and made up in my mind to no longer be a victim to my thoughts. What we don't realize is that we can be our own worse enemy. Just to be transparent some of the thoughts I fell victim to were: "it's always me", "it will never happen for me", "I just don't care anymore", etc. Thankfully, I have a strong core of people who are around me near and far that will pull me by the root of my locs and tell me to get it together. I know some people don't have that so I am posting this to tell you, him, her, this, that, and it: Don't be a victim to your thoughts and get it together. It takes time, patience, tears, and some sleepless nights. I'm not going to sugarcoat it for you. I want to encourage you and myself tonight and let you know that better ...

It's Not About You. With Love

Remember that every test is an opportunity for us to trust God more. It seems like the higher you go the stronger the attacks. And to be honest that is the way it is supposed to be. It doesn't feel good. You will shed some tears and scream at times. You won't understand why people are condemning your growth and good works. It is all part of the process. You have to start at the pit to get to the palace but realize that it has to happen like this for the salvation of souls. (Reference Genesis 50:20) At the end of the day, it isn't about the house, spouse, or the cat chasing the mouse. It really is about saving lives. You will get those things. You have to build God's house first and then He will establish yours. Make sure you are in this for the right reasons. Money should not be a factor because He supplies all of your needs. I am a living witness to that. When you bless Him.. (let me not get started.) It is my prayer that you do some serious soul searching. At the ...


We often pray and ask for restoration. I have realized that over the years I was asking for materials I had lost instead of the healing and peace I needed in order to handle it. If we are hurting, angry, depressed, we are not thinking straight. We spend money on things as a temporary fix(high) and are still left with that emptiness we went out the door with. Money cannot buy you happiness and no person can make you happy. That is an inside job that is hard work but comes with excellent benefits. When asking for restoration, realize that includes your purpose, spiritual healing, and deliverance. Restoration doesn't happen overnight. It is a process that molds us into who God has called us to be. In the midst of this, pray for those connected to you. That brings about restoration as well. When you pray for them it replaces their ashes with a crown of beauty. It's coming. Put in the work and be patient. Job 42 and Isaiah 61 Love forever and always, Fredrika

Looking for Love

We have a tendency to look for love in the wrong places. We turn to people we know are not good for us just to fill a void. Maybe you grew up in a one parent home. You say you are looking for love when in reality you are just looking for your other parent. Some people play emotional hopscotch. They jump from person to person to avoid loneliness and don't give themselves proper time to heal. What they fail to realize is that they are leaving a path of destruction. God is the love you need to be looking for. He can wipe your tears late at night and He will never leave you alone. You have been told that love is blind. God is love and God sees everything. People have lusted after you and called it love and it hurt. I am a living witness that God will never hurt you. People in your past have hurt you, let you down consistently. Love (God) never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8). We often have a tendency to love things and use people. That is not the correct way. We are to love people and...

It Doesn't Fit Me

Recalling the story of David and Goliath, Saul at first would not let David fight the giant. Once David shared convinced him by telling him of his previous victories, he (David) was allowed to confront Goliath. There was a couple of problems. The first one was that Saul wanted David to wear his armor. It didn't fit. Saul had completely looked over David's testimony. David declared that the Lord who had delivered him from the lion and the bear would deliver him from the giant Goliath. Being respectful to the person who was over him David put on the armor. After moving around in it, he told Saul I can't go in this; It doesn't fit me. We all have Saul's in our lives. That goes without saying. They will doubt you before you go into battle. They have never seen the things you had to kill in order to survive. They will eventually allow you to go into battle, but will try to get you to wear their armor. They still doubt what God has done and don't believe you are rea...

Divine Connections

It is important that you connect with people (women in particular) that are ready to give birth to something great just like you. Everyone has a purpose but if not careful you can kill the gift being birthed. When you are around people who are not going anywhere you can truly lose focus of what you are supposed to be doing in Christ. When you are surrounded with people who have the same spirit you have what we call a "Divine Connection". Ever notice how a pregnant woman glows. The same thing happens in the spirit. Pregnant women take care of the child(gift) before they have to push them out. Again, the same thing happens in the spirit. Take care of what was planted into you before you push it out. In Luke 1:41 the baby leapt with joy when he heard Mary's voice. Elizabeth did not see Mary when she first called out. Do you have someone in your life like that? Does your spirit leap when you hear their voice before you see them? If so you have a divine connection in your life...

The "No" is For Real

There comes a point in time in your life where you have to add the word "No" to your vocabulary and actually mean it. Contrary to popular opinion, the word "No" is not a curse word. It is actually a blessing to your life. Think about all the times you said yes to someone or something that should have been a no. How did you feel? Used, bad, frustrated, irritated, mad, confused, conflicted, bamboozled, hoodwinked, led astray, etc. LOL yes I know that was a bit much but I need for you all to get the point. Putting yourself through an unnecessary battle will cause you to end up distracted and losing the war. You want to really how the "No" is for real? If it doesn't bless your life you don't entertain it. If it doesn't benefit the kingdom, I'm not with it. Check the tone of the voice, the look in the eyes, and especially facial expressions. You can nonverbally say no too. More importantly, God's "No" is for real. He knows what...

The Underdog

This is the year of the underdog believe it or not. I got this revelation as I have been watching the NCAA tournament aka March Madness. The underdog can be described as those who are overlooked, ignored, walked over, and walked on. These are the people who will rise up and make an impact on the world. One thing about an underdog that some people fail to see, we (yes because I am an underdog too lol) do not stop working. And in a very transparent and honest moment, we want to give up but something in us will not let us quit. We actually have a tendency to work harder than ever. A underdog soon comes to the realization that even though people do not see what it is that we are doing, God sees everything. We stop resisting so we can hear what God is telling us. We also come to the realization that sometimes God is protecting us so that our gifts are not abused or infected. My words of encouragement is that all of you who want to throw in the towel should not do so. Use that towel to w...

Roles and Positions

I am at the place where people in my life have been repositioned. They no longer play the role I thought they should have. When you get to a certain place in your life realize that you cannot take everyone where God is taking you. There are some people that you will have to distance yourself from. It may hurt (living witness) but in the end you will be better for it. Every good person is not good for you in this destiny walk you are taking. People are like the seasons. They change. Some people cannot handle your winter but are around in the spring. Some don't like the summer because they cannot stand the heat but once fall comes and the autumn rains(blessings) come they are waltzing in like nothing has changed. Realize that you are not in the same place when you started this walk with Christ. As you mature and grow your taste and tolerance will change. And you have to take it very seriously. Everyone that started with you will not understand and will have something to say. And ...

Saved, Single, and Successful.

It is possible to be saved, single, and successful. Even though society has a tendency to from upon this, I have discovered that because I know that I will not be single forever, that this is a blessing to be single right. Ecclesiastes 3 tells that there is a time for everything under the sun. Take this moment to realize who you are as a person so that when you meet the one for you that it is a struggle. You need to be able to give your significant other all of you now and not a piece of you wrapped in the past. This is the opportunity to set goals for your life. This is your "me" time basically. Enjoy it. And don't count being single as a curse because it is not that at all. Don't be so desperate that you end of settling for less than the blessing. If you are hurting right now take this time to heal. Your success depends on your healthy mind, soul, spirit, and heart. Success isn't monetary. That is an added bonus. I own my own business now at the age of 32. And I...

The Mature Decision

1 Corinthians 10:23(NIV) reads: " Everything is permissible-but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible-but not everything is constructive." CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can do whatever you want to do. Now.... are you seeing any benefits? Speaking from experience, doing what you want to all the time can eventually hurt you. A lot of times it is more destructive than constructive. Let's keep it real shall we. At some point in time you will have to start making mature decisions in this walk with Christ. At some point in time, you have to stop partying all night Saturday and then attending church on Sunday and giving God a hungover praise. You cannot open your legs (Ladies) to every man you date. Do you realize everytime you sleep with someone you are connecting more than your bodies? Be mindful. You cannot cuss out everybody and then preach love. You cannot correct any and everybody and nobody can tell you anything. Hypocritical much.. yeah...

Prayer Affects and Effects

There are people in your life that need your prayers. This is something that we all know. Have you ever prayed for somebody that you don't know? Mind blowing question right?! Effective prayers have a postive affect on a life, yours included. It is actually a sign of maturity when you pray for someone you don't know. We have to get out of our "prayer" comfort zones. Pray for others besides your closest family and friends. When was the last time you prayed for an enemy? You need to pray for them on a consistent basis. God will place them in your presence so you can pray for them. Prayer changes your life and other people's lives. It is one of the most beautiful and humble acts you can do. And remember to be effective with your prayers. You don't need big words to pray. All you need is a sincere heart and a willing spirit. Realize this: when you pray and cry.. Your tears never fall down your face. They fall up. Scripture: Colassians 1:9-13 Follow me on ...

A Confirmation on Change.

I started handwriting this blog Friday night. I came home and did not finish due to getting rest and I worked both jobs on Saturday. Sunday morning when I got to church, Bishop Gibson's sermon was on change. Same scripture I had been studying concerning this blog post. Me and my Jesus had a moment. Have you ever had to shake yourself? Have you ever had a thought that messed your day up? Nobody had to say a word to you, but you messed yourself up. It is not always intentional, but sometimes what you are surrounded by can influence your thoughts. When those moments occur, realize that it is a part of life and it is an on going process. Your thoughts affect your body and your soul. A mind is a terrible thing to waste and a serious force to be reckoned with. The scripture I am coming from is Romans 12:2 (NLT) which reads: "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let GOD transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to k...

Finding my foundation and the recovery

I looked up the definition of the words foundation, recover, and specialist. The word foundation: a basis upon which something stands or is supported. The word recover: to get back again. The word specialist: a person who specializes in a particular branch of learning or activity. I did not look up the word collapse. I already knew that it meant falls apart. And because at one point in my life I did not have the right foundation. So my world collapsed. It wasn't until I turned 30 years old that I realized this: Jesus Christ should be your foundation. I was always taught that but never applied it to my life. Everything that I tried to do before He truly reigned in my life, collapsed. My relationships (personal and professional), my school work, my life in general. You are looking at someone who used to drink on the job and no one knew about it. A functional drunk if you will. You are looking at a woman who with a look could get her and her best friend money from customers w...