The Mature Decision

1 Corinthians 10:23(NIV) reads: " Everything is permissible-but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible-but not everything is constructive."

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can do whatever you want to do. Now.... are you seeing any benefits?

Speaking from experience, doing what you want to all the time can eventually hurt you. A lot of times it is more destructive than constructive. Let's keep it real shall we. At some point in time you will have to start making mature decisions in this walk with Christ.

At some point in time, you have to stop partying all night Saturday and then attending church on Sunday and giving God a hungover praise. You cannot open your legs (Ladies) to every man you date. Do you realize everytime you sleep with someone you are connecting more than your bodies? Be mindful. You cannot cuss out everybody and then preach love. You cannot correct any and everybody and nobody can tell you anything. Hypocritical much.. yeah it is. And people are watching you. You are a salaried employee.. wonderful. You still need to show up on time everyday. Again.. people are watching you.

Every decision you make affects your blessings. Either it releases the hand of God or it hinders it. If you are waiting on somethings consider some of the decisions you have made lately. With a repentant sincere heart, pray to the Lord to help you make the mature decision. It may not always be the popular one but it could save your life.

Twitter: @FredrikaMarie

Fredrika Sellers


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