The Underdog

This is the year of the underdog believe it or not. I got this revelation as I have been watching the NCAA tournament aka March Madness. The underdog can be described as those who are overlooked, ignored, walked over, and walked on. These are the people who will rise up and make an impact on the world. One thing about an underdog that some people fail to see, we (yes because I am an underdog too lol) do not stop working. And in a very transparent and honest moment, we want to give up but something in us will not let us quit. We actually have a tendency to work harder than ever.

A underdog soon comes to the realization that even though people do not see what it is that we are doing, God sees everything. We stop resisting so we can hear what God is telling us. We also come to the realization that sometimes God is protecting us so that our gifts are not abused or infected.

My words of encouragement is that all of you who want to throw in the towel should not do so. Use that towel to wipe the sweat from your face and the tears from your eyes. You are just being processed to be blessed and to be a blessing. Someone somewhere needs to hear your story. Realize this is your year, live your life. Enjoy it to the fullest. Everyday will not be a perfect day but it is worth it.

And just in case you need some examples: Joseph, Gideon, Hannah, David.

It is always the one's you least expect that produce something GREAT!!! BE ENCOURAGED :)

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Facebook: Genesis Transition

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