Finding my foundation and the recovery

I looked up the definition of the words foundation, recover, and specialist. The word foundation: a basis upon which something stands or is supported. The word recover: to get back again. The word specialist: a person who specializes in a particular branch of learning or activity.

I did not look up the word collapse. I already knew that it meant falls apart. And because at one point in my life I did not have the right foundation. So my world collapsed. It wasn't until I turned 30 years old that I realized this: Jesus Christ should be your foundation. I was always taught that but never applied it to my life. Everything that I tried to do before He truly reigned in my life, collapsed. My relationships (personal and professional), my school work, my life in general. You are looking at someone who used to drink on the job and no one knew about it. A functional drunk if you will. You are looking at a woman who with a look could get her and her best friend money from customers while working. Using my body to gain nothing but even less self esteem. This person typing this blog had a wall up and was determined that I would play you before you played me. That was in my twenties. If you go back further, you would discover that I was just acting out from the hurt I experienced as a child. I was made fun of from elementary to high school, talked about to my face and behind my back. I smiled through it, so I thought.. and I was really creating secret wounds that ending up almost destroying me.

I am now what I call a Recovery Specialist! That is right, healing takes time but I have a solid foundation which is Jesus Christ. I have my joy back. That happens when you allow yourself time to heal and when you forgive people honestly. I trust God more than ever now. I am going to post a few scriptures at the end of this blog. I hope that my story blessed someone, anyone who reads it. Don't let your past destroy your foundation. I am praying with you and for you. Be blessed and know that God is still doing it in your life.

Follow me on Twitter: @FredrikaMarie and on Instagram: @inlove_withlife32

Scriptures to help you and to heal you pertaining to this blog

Isaiah 28:16
Psalm 56:8
Philippians 4:13


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