Don't be a victim..get it together.

It has been a minute since I have actually written a blog. Truth be told I have not wanted to write because I was scared of the thoughts that were floating in my brain. Finally, I read Romans 12:1-2 and made up in my mind to no longer be a victim to my thoughts. What we don't realize is that we can be our own worse enemy. Just to be transparent some of the thoughts I fell victim to were: "it's always me", "it will never happen for me", "I just don't care anymore", etc. Thankfully, I have a strong core of people who are around me near and far that will pull me by the root of my locs and tell me to get it together. I know some people don't have that so I am posting this to tell you, him, her, this, that, and it: Don't be a victim to your thoughts and get it together. It takes time, patience, tears, and some sleepless nights. I'm not going to sugarcoat it for you. I want to encourage you and myself tonight and let you know that better is coming. Stay faithful and trust God in your situation.

If it doesn't kill you it is meant to bless you. Learn the lesson, share it with whom God tells you to do(like I did), and move forward.

Forever and Always,


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