Saved, Single, and Successful.

It is possible to be saved, single, and successful. Even though society has a tendency to from upon this, I have discovered that because I know that I will not be single forever, that this is a blessing to be single right. Ecclesiastes 3 tells that there is a time for everything under the sun. Take this moment to realize who you are as a person so that when you meet the one for you that it is a struggle. You need to be able to give your significant other all of you now and not a piece of you wrapped in the past. This is the opportunity to set goals for your life. This is your "me" time basically. Enjoy it. And don't count being single as a curse because it is not that at all. Don't be so desperate that you end of settling for less than the blessing. If you are hurting right now take this time to heal. Your success depends on your healthy mind, soul, spirit, and heart. Success isn't monetary. That is an added bonus. I own my own business now at the age of 32. And I say I am successful because the old me would not have done that. The old, hurt, disappointed, disrespectful me.. made excuses and no effort. I blamed everyone but myself.

I encourage you to start looking at yourself in a whole new light. Tomorrow is a new day. Start then..

@FredrikaMarie follow me on Twitter..

Love you,


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