A Confirmation on Change.

I started handwriting this blog Friday night. I came home and did not finish due to getting rest and I worked both jobs on Saturday. Sunday morning when I got to church, Bishop Gibson's sermon was on change. Same scripture I had been studying concerning this blog post. Me and my Jesus had a moment.

Have you ever had to shake yourself? Have you ever had a thought that messed your day up? Nobody had to say a word to you, but you messed yourself up. It is not always intentional, but sometimes what you are surrounded by can influence your thoughts. When those moments occur, realize that it is a part of life and it is an on going process. Your thoughts affect your body and your soul. A mind is a terrible thing to waste and a serious force to be reckoned with.

The scripture I am coming from is Romans 12:2 (NLT) which reads: "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let GOD transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."

A lot times we want material blessings but are not mentally prepared to handle them. People who experience depression due to financial hardship often spend outside of their budget in order to make themselves feel better temporarily. I can say that because I lived it. I was it. I spent money I did not have in order to fit in and to be happy. I was worse off when I was done financially and emotionally. Remember that God is not going to put more on you than you can bear, but you have to change your thought patterns so you can handle what He gives you.

Change is uncomfortable. But it is a sign of growth. You cannot stay where you are and expect better. And you have to participate in the changing process. There may be some tears and some misunderstanding but please know that it is worth it. It is like wearing clothes. You know they fit but they don't look right on you. Time for a change.

There will be people in your life who will not like or understand your change. And that is more than ok. Please know that I experienced it too. I still am because I am still changing. Just because your friends act a certain way doesn't mean you have to revert back. Don't let them influence you. You have found your destiny and purpose. Keep going. Know that everybody may not come with you. Some will leave, some you will have to leave. It is a part of growth and a part of life. Welcome to the club.

The scripture again is Romans 12:2. Read and study it on your on time so you can get an understanding.

Follow me on Twitter: @FredrikaMarie and Instagram: inlove_withlife32


PS.. I love you to life.


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