Prayer Affects and Effects

There are people in your life that need your prayers. This is something that we all know. Have you ever prayed for somebody that you don't know? Mind blowing question right?!

Effective prayers have a postive affect on a life, yours included. It is actually a sign of maturity when you pray for someone you don't know. We have to get out of our "prayer" comfort zones. Pray for others besides your closest family and friends. When was the last time you prayed for an enemy? You need to pray for them on a consistent basis. God will place them in your presence so you can pray for them.

Prayer changes your life and other people's lives. It is one of the most beautiful and humble acts you can do. And remember to be effective with your prayers. You don't need big words to pray. All you need is a sincere heart and a willing spirit.

Realize this: when you pray and cry.. Your tears never fall down your face. They fall up.

Scripture: Colassians 1:9-13

Follow me on twitter: @FredrikaMarie

Fredrika Sellers


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