Roles and Positions

I am at the place where people in my life have been repositioned. They no longer play the role I thought they should have. When you get to a certain place in your life realize that you cannot take everyone where God is taking you. There are some people that you will have to distance yourself from. It may hurt (living witness) but in the end you will be better for it. Every good person is not good for you in this destiny walk you are taking.

People are like the seasons. They change. Some people cannot handle your winter but are around in the spring. Some don't like the summer because they cannot stand the heat but once fall comes and the autumn rains(blessings) come they are waltzing in like nothing has changed.

Realize that you are not in the same place when you started this walk with Christ. As you mature and grow your taste and tolerance will change. And you have to take it very seriously. Everyone that started with you will not understand and will have something to say. And that is understandable and it doesn't matter. It is how you respond to certain situations that determine how you handle it and where you go after that.

Shift people if necessary. Remember that everyone cannot speak into your life. If you see no evidence of what they are telling you that you SHOULD be doing it, dismiss it with love. Your life is as stake and you have no time for games.

@FredrikaMarie on Twitter.

Love you all to life,


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