The "No" is For Real

There comes a point in time in your life where you have to add the word "No" to your vocabulary and actually mean it. Contrary to popular opinion, the word "No" is not a curse word. It is actually a blessing to your life. Think about all the times you said yes to someone or something that should have been a no. How did you feel? Used, bad, frustrated, irritated, mad, confused, conflicted, bamboozled, hoodwinked, led astray, etc. LOL yes I know that was a bit much but I need for you all to get the point. Putting yourself through an unnecessary battle will cause you to end up distracted and losing the war.

You want to really how the "No" is for real? If it doesn't bless your life you don't entertain it. If it doesn't benefit the kingdom, I'm not with it. Check the tone of the voice, the look in the eyes, and especially facial expressions. You can nonverbally say no too.

More importantly, God's "No" is for real. He knows what is best for you. He often protects us from ourselves and danger by telling us no. Reference Jeremiah 29:11. He has plans for us and not to harm us. If you want a good future you will have to learn how to accept the no instead of the yes you wanted. Example: I was originally a business finance major. I worked in the banking field and like the money (did you catch that) so I decided to pursue it. One night I was doing choreography and injured my leg so bad I was out of work for a month. As a result I got fired from my job at a credit union because they couldn't hold my position. I had no plans to be a psychology major. God told me after I couldn't find another full time job to start my own business. This was in 2008. I have not been back in the banking field since then. God has a plan and purpose for my life. My concentrations are life coaching and Christian counseling. I now love what I do as a life coach. I constantly thank God for the "no".

Be encouraged.. God "No" is better than the yes you want. Know that His "NO" is for real. Make sure your "No" is for real too.

I love you because I love you,

Follow me on Twitter: @FredrikaMarie


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