Divine Connections

It is important that you connect with people (women in particular) that are ready to give birth to something great just like you. Everyone has a purpose but if not careful you can kill the gift being birthed. When you are around people who are not going anywhere you can truly lose focus of what you are supposed to be doing in Christ. When you are surrounded with people who have the same spirit you have what we call a "Divine Connection". Ever notice how a pregnant woman glows. The same thing happens in the spirit. Pregnant women take care of the child(gift) before they have to push them out. Again, the same thing happens in the spirit. Take care of what was planted into you before you push it out. In Luke 1:41 the baby leapt with joy when he heard Mary's voice. Elizabeth did not see Mary when she first called out. Do you have someone in your life like that? Does your spirit leap when you hear their voice before you see them? If so you have a divine connection in your life and you should be thankful. Your divine connections should believe in your God given purpose and you should believe in their's. Someone maybe getting ready to give birth now and it is connected to all of those who believe.

Scripture reference: Luke 1:39-45

Make sure you have "divine" connections in your life!!!!

Love always,

Follow me on Twitter: @FredrikaMarie


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