Looking for Love

We have a tendency to look for love in the wrong places. We turn to people we know are not good for us just to fill a void. Maybe you grew up in a one parent home. You say you are looking for love when in reality you are just looking for your other parent.

Some people play emotional hopscotch. They jump from person to person to avoid loneliness and don't give themselves proper time to heal. What they fail to realize is that they are leaving a path of destruction.

God is the love you need to be looking for. He can wipe your tears late at night and He will never leave you alone. You have been told that love is blind. God is love and God sees everything. People have lusted after you and called it love and it hurt. I am a living witness that God will never hurt you.

People in your past have hurt you, let you down consistently. Love (God) never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8). We often have a tendency to love things and use people. That is not the correct way. We are to love people and use things!! Everyone is loved by God, including you. Things that are broken and can be replaced. People break too but are often hard to replace. You cannot put a monetary value on people.

Don't love money, things more than you love people. God must be first. Everything else will fall into place.

You are looking for love? Start with God. God is love and He loves you.
So do I!!!!

Forever and Always,

Twitter: @FredrikaMarie


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