When we can get real?

This is a very transparent blog. There may be a scripture reference at the end. There may not be.

Life gets hard. You often have to remind yourself that you can't let your feelings rule your life. This is what I am learning in this current stage in my life. When I go to talk to someone I don't want a deep answer at this point. There are so many deep people out here that they are drowning in teaspoons full of water. Why don't you just say you have been through it or you have not? And if you have how did you get through it? Have you ever cried, cussed, cried and cussed? Let's just get real for a minute. I know I have done that and some more when I have gone through. It's like the concept of being human has completely gone out the window. Can we just get real with people for once in our lives? Tell someone you have been broke, heartbroken, frustrated, fired, whatever it is? Every person does not know the scripture from beginning to end. You don't either. However, you do have a story to tell. Open your mouth. It may help you heal as well as help another person.

Love you to life!



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