Struggling with Protection

As I get closer to my 35th birthday I'm realizing that I don't have the memories that other people have. I don't remember kindergarten through the first half of my second grade year. When I'm around those talking about that time it gets difficult because I can't tell you what I can't remember. At times I feel like I'm being protected and in all honesty I struggle with it. I have feel like I have a right to know. Just being honest and transparent here. I'm writing this blog tonight to encourage myself. Be thankful for the protection. The bible tells us that 10,000 will fall but it won't come near you. Psalm 91. I guess I should be happy that I don't have to struggle with what I can't remember. I'll get there eventually.

Just know that you aren't the only one who is struggling with this. I'll be reading Psalm 91 tonight. I encourage you all to do the same. Let's dwell in His protection and not what we don't know. 


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