I Have Questions

I have so many questions in my head right now. I am not understanding a few things that I have seen and that I have heard. How many times have we all experienced this in our lives. I often think of two phrases from my goddaughters (their mother has given me permission to quote them) that I find myself saying out loud. They are "It's ALWAYS ME" and "It's Not My Fault".

First one: It's always me. Yes it is. Why is it always me? There are other people that can do it and say it and live it and breathe it. Why am I the go to? Will someone else please stand up and the MVP, the VIP, be something...please. The reason why it is always you can be found in John 15:16(NCV)
"You did not choose me; I chose you. And I gave you this work: to go and produce fruit, fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you anything you ask in my name." It's always you because you have been chosen to produce fruit. You gotta work because there is something in you that the world needs. There is your answer.

Second one: It's not my fault. I know it's not sweet thing. Unfortunately a lot of us are wilderness babies dealing with Egyptian issues that the ones before us refused to handle. It's unfortunate that we are wearing burdens and generational issues that they won't even discuss with us. Now we have to deal with that along with our own personal issues. And because we are dealing with their issues (not our fault) we are fighting like hell not to do to our kids (future for those who don't have them) what was done to us. This is why we are going to be alright. Joshua 1:9(NCV) "Remember that I commanded you to be strong and brave. Don't be afraid, because the Lord your God will be with you everywhere you go." Be strong. Be brave. Remember, the wilderness children were free not in bondage. Don't let their bondage hold you back. You are not responsible for their issues and you can't save everybody.

There are so many other questions I can ask and I have asked. But my God always has a reassuring answer. Be encourage.

One Love,


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