How About Those Vices?

Excessive Hours

Which of these are using to cover the pain you are currently dealing with? You are walking around with this mask on telling the world that you are okay and in the dark you are not dealing with it but you are trying to numb it. When you are finished with your vices you go back to your secret place because the pain you were trying to hide is actually worse. Your impromptu decisions have added a layer to what you are trying to heal.

How do I know this? Because I did it myself and here lately I have found myself almost falling into old habits. I choose to snack instead of talk. I prefer sleeping over conversations at times. I thought I was finding my peace. I was hiding my pain instead.

I am learning to cry when it's needed. Scream when necessary. I know I am allowed to feel what I feel in the moment. I can have my moment.

Encouraging scriptures for this blog are Psalm 91 and Philippians 4. The whole chapters.

How about those vices? They aren't working for me. I choose to heal and hope that you do the same.

One love and know I am praying with and for you. I ask that you do the same.


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