Take Off the Mask

It's ok to say you aren't ok. You are human. It is a sign of maturity and it is a sign of strength. The past couple of days for me haven't been the best and I have learned not to put on the mask of perfection. Often times we carry ourselves like we have no problems and live in a fantasy world when in reality we want to scream and cry and throw stuff(well I do anyway and I have my moments when I do)

I am thankful though that I have family and friends who allow me to express how I am feeling. They correct me when needed, comfort when asked, and pray as always. I want to tell all of you out there that it really is ok to tell someone: "Hey.. I'm not ok.. I'm not feeling this." It is better to talk about it than to think about it. Your thoughts can wear you down. I encourage you to pray for a mentor, to journal your thoughts, and to talk to someone that can lead, guide, and direct you in the right direction.

Some of the strongest people go through the toughest battles. I want you to see how strong you are.. For encouragement to let you know that you aren't alone and that God is with you read Isaiah 43. It informs you that you will go through things but God is really with you every step of the way.

The Bible tells us to cast our cares upon Him.. Even though He already knows.. Tell God you are not okay. He can turn your mourning to dancing, your sorrow to joy, and trade your ashes for beauty. I was that one who never really talked about what was bothering me because I was wearing the mask of perfection.. please don't do that.. it hurts worse than telling someone what is wrong..

Talk about it... Take off the mask.


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