Handle With Care: Another Open Letter

People who go ghost....

Can we talk about the first 8 months of my 2018? I have find out where I stand and it is all because of my assignment on this earth. Everyone is not equipped to be in my presence. I am unpacking a lot of baggage they aren't ready for.

Here is the thing. It is the one's who are always there for others that really go through rough times alone. Everyone is used to them being Superwoman and Superman. Once they see a crack they forget you are human and they realize that they have no use for you. Their assignment in your life has come to an abrupt end. How SWAY?! No warning. Just poof, gone.

I am in the middle of this situation. I confused a lifetime with a season and it shook me to the core. As one who is always there, one person ran from my trouble right after I helped them through a crisis. Little did I know that was my final assignment concerning them. It hurts but now I get it.

The Lord is calling me higher. I am finally walking into my divine purpose and I have to handle myself with care. I need more time to pray, to study, to observe, to be. to do. I cannot be consumed by chaos. The Lord is calling you higher. We cannot fix everything and everyone. That isn't our responsibility. We are to be the light. We are to share our struggle as a testimony to those who we don't know but our experiencing what we are going through.

When was the last time you shared your story with someone who isn't in your clique? Have you realized that all of you are together for a common goal.. to handle the broken with care and win souls to Christ? Friendships are a beautiful thing don't get me wrong, but when you look over your life why are they the only ones who know your testimony?

You are reading the blog of a young woman who has battled depression and anxiety, who was bullied elementary through high school, and who used alcohol to cover up her pain. I am learning to be more transparent because the world needs to hear how great Jesus is. I am still here because of His grace and mercy on my life.

Handle With Care. Lives are at stake. I encourage you on tonight to be obedient concerning your purpose, to trust God with your whole heart, and to live your best life. I know it hurts that they are ghost.. but you have the Comforter, the Holy Spirit right there with you.

Know you are loved,


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