My "Yes" Got Messy, Now What

No one ever wants to talk about it. We see the benefits but no one talks about the messy parts. No one actually discusses the struggle that comes with the yes that was given. Why is that? Is it a secret that no one is supposed to discuss? I am writing this post because my yes got messy and all I keep being told is that it will get better. That my blessing is coming. I know this already.

Can someone please equip my generation on how to handle the messy part of this process? We are out here doing the best we can and the side eyes are not helping matters, the whispers aren't prayers, and the advice is ehhhhh.....

I said what I said.

You want us to carry ourselves a certain way. Train us. Show us by example how we can conquer this mess we are in. We are battling generational curses while trying to create generational wealth in an atmosphere we are unfamiliar with. We are literally crying out for guidance.

Where are the mentors who won't drop the ball? We have a call on our lives and we need you. We can't keep winging it out here in these here skreets.

Maybe this blog is personal. Maybe someone else is going through the same thing and they aren't saying anything. All I know is when I said yes, hell broke loose in every area of life. And before you say it's part of the process, I know that. I just didn't expect for it to feel like this. I am searching for peace, understanding, and the necessary tools to handle it gracefully.

We out here. We said yes.. It got messy..We finna clean it up.. but errrruhhhhhhhmmmmm....

This is a request. If you know that God has told you to do something concerning us.. please be obedient. We don't ask for much. I don't ask for much. Don't leave us out here by ourselves. We are not all rebellious. Some of us have a true desire to do the will of God concerning ministry and our personal lives.

My Yes Got Messy... NOW WHAT?!

One Love,


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