Take It Off

So many times we are tired and our bodies feel heavy. And we have no one to blame but ourselves. Let me explain it in a way that you will understand.

Have you ever been to a fabric store? I can spend all day in one. I love the feel of certain fabrics but I know that some of them don't look right on me because of the way I am built. We often see people wearing stuff that doesn't look right on them because it lays in way that is unflattering.

So here is my question? What are you wearing? Is it the emotions and situations of other people? Is it their opinions? It doesn't lay right on you because it wasn't made for you. You were only supposed to touch it quickly not wear it. You are angry at them for what you choose to do. Wearing their "garment" will not excuse you from dealing with your own battles.

Take it off. It doesn't belong to you. They have been equipped for that. You cannot fight every battle for them. They have to get it for themselves.

I love you.



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