Preparation Time

Last month I studied the book of Proverbs and this month I am studying the book of Esther. Why? Because I need wisdom for what the Lord is preparing me for. I am not the type just to do/try something because someone else is doing it. What works for them may not work for me. Plus my assignment is different.

In the book of Esther, it says that it took a year of preparation before she was presented to the king. She had to be instructed on how to do certain things. She listened and as a result she was the most favored of them all.

What was done within the year? She was given a special menu and beauty treatments. So here is first question: What are you eating in this preparation time? Spiritually and physically. You can't feed into stuff you aren't hungry for. You can't eat what they eat. They have a different assignment probably. Second question: are you taking what was prescribed to you? Six months of myrrh is what Esther was given followed by six months of other beauty treatments. I don't know how you are supposed to be carrying yourself but you do. There is a specific reason why God is telling you to do certain things. I pray you are obedient.

God has graced us this time to get ourselves together so that we may add to the kingdom. We are not just here to get rich or be seen. Focus on your purpose. And if things aren't going right check what you are doing and make the proper adjustments.

Love you to life. Stay in preparation mode. Pray for wisdom.



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