No More Hiding

This is a note of encouragement to the following people. To the shy, to the overlooked, to the hurt, to the abandoned, I just want you to know that I understand why you want to lay low. It is a lot going on out here and especially with you. You have tried to reach out, to take the necessary steps and most of the time you have had to do it by yourself. You have had people to break promises, overlook you, lie on and to you. How many more tears do you have to shed? It is to the point where you want to go into hiding and never come out again. I am and have been in your position. First of all I want to tell you that you aren’t the only one. Nobody is talking about it. No one is shedding light on this dark place. Until now.

This is the time for you to be healing. Talk to a professional if necessary. You cannot stay in this place. You already know what it feels like and we (you and I), have to be there for those who are currently experiencing it. We cannot allow bitterness to set in. We have to be the example. Be there for those who are going through because you know what it is like not to have anyone to be there. Even with a shaky voice, tears in your eyes, and trembling hands, you can’t hide anymore. Share your story whether it be through a book, a dance, a picture, something. Give someone a hug. Give what you were not given. That is how we can change this whole thing.

Know you are loved, know you are wanted and needed in the Kingdom of God. No more hiding. It’s time for you to rise up and take your place. We are waiting for you.

Scriptures of Encouragement: Psalm 18:29 (NLT) “In your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall”

                                                      Philippians 4:13(NLT) “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”

A Closing Prayer:

Dear Lord,

We thank you for our lives, our health, and our strength. We thank you for providing us with the opportunity to share Your love and Your word with the world through our experiences. I ask on behalf on the ones reading this that you continue to encourage, equip. and empower us. Help us to walk in faith and not be stopped because of fear. We know that there is a blessing in the background and I ask that when we are ready, you shower us with that blessing. Continue to lead us, guide us, and direct us in our purpose. Position us so that those that need to hear our story don’t struggle to find us. Let our story be an encouragement. Let a life be changed for the better. We love You Lord. Thank You Jesus.

One Love and Many Blessings,

Fredrika Sellers


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