Dear Deep Saints: An Open Letter

This letter is to those who are so deep that they are drowning in a teaspoon of water. I am coming for you yes I am. We (my generation) are tired.

Dear Deep Saints,

We love you very much. We really do. But y'all don't be helping sometimes. We are out here fighting real life battles (some of it not pertaining to us because you were to cute to kill these generational curses you keep telling us to pray about). We in therapy dealing with traumatic issues so we don't pass on this mess to other generations. We are praying. God is the one who told us to seek therapy because we came to you and you ain't help matters.

Doctors are on the earth to help. Okay. With that being said, when we seek help from those who you think don't know Jesus we are actually getting the help we need. Y'all keep glossing over surface issues and we digging up roots. We ain't got time to patty cake. We know the devil is real. So we are beating him to the punch by using the tools given.

Do yourself and others a favor. Take a psychology class. Everything ain't a spirit. There is a such thing as a chemical imbalance. The mind is not to played with. Read other books in addition to the Bible. Even the Bible says "My people will be destroyed, because they have no knowledge.." Hosea 4:6 (NCV)

If you really want to help us, please continue to pray, but watch what you say and how you say it to us. We don't need to hear we need to get it together. Duh..we know that. How about sharing your experiences with us? Let us know you cried, screamed, and fussed at times. Were you ever frustrated? Or have you always been dignified?

It may be that you haven't healed yourself yet. And if that is the case, be like hey.. I feel you cause I'm still killing stuff too. That helps more than you realize. You can train us how to properly fight.

Again we love you, but please...

Those who battle with Mental Illness


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