My Open Letter to the Secretly Hurting: Break the Chain

This letter is to the those who smile with the pain in their hurt, who refuse to lose their praise. This letter is to those who have experienced "church" hurt.

Dear Secretly Hurting,

I just wanted to write you a letter of encouragement. An open letter so you know your cries are felt and your prayers are being heard.

I know they say that church didn't hurt you. I was told that myself. They have completely forgotten that "we" not a "building" are the church. Here you are trying to give your best and they always shut down your ideas, they constantly talk about you in your face with that smile on the face but the anger in their eyes. I know what it is like to be overlooked because you aren't what they say you should be. They are wrapped up in titles, conventions, and conferences looking for an "elevation" instead of the edification that true disciples in the kingdom are craving.

I know how you feel when you are in worship and they look at you like you are crazy because you choose to worship in Spirit and Truth. Saying it doesn't take all of that because they forgot what they have overcome.

I know how you feel when you ask for mentorship and guidance they throw a bunch of scriptures at you or talk to you in a way that belittles you to the point of tears in front of their crew.

I know how you feel because I have experienced it. I am currently healing from it myself. I heal by being obedient to what God has given me to do. I heal by surrounding myself with connections that love the Lord and don't mind serving the kingdom for His glory. I heal by operating in my gifts that edify the body and win souls to Christ.

Most importantly, I heal by forgiving those who have hurt me in the church. I am coming to realize that they are hurting too. It is not an excuse, but behind the anger you can hear the pain. Continually pray for them. They have been church hurt too and just refuse to admit it.

To those who say that there is no such thing as "church" hurt. Yes there is. We are the church, not a building. We are the body of Christ and we have many members. You have to be mindful of how you speak to people and how you treat them. A lot of people are coming to Christ already in pain and we don't need to add to it. Let's learn to love each other better. Let's be the example. If you need to heal do so... the world is waiting for the authentic you. Let's break the chain

Know you are loved. Know you are needed. Know you are wanted. To be added to my email list for blogs please inbox me on Facebook if you haven't already.

One Love, Fredrika


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