Getting It Together: My Journey of Self Care

I have been kind of quiet the past few weeks. Barely on the phone and very little interaction with people unless I am at work or running an errand. I am getting it together. What does she mean, you may ask? I'll elaborate.

I cannot assist anyone with their journey until I identify the things that are hindering mine. And that is what I have been doing. I have been in what you call recognition mode. Once I see the problem that is blocking my movement, I get rid of it. That means that I don't have time to waste time with things that don't pertain to me.

Let me give a little more background so you can fully understand. When it came to my prayer life I was being specific for everyone else and generic for me. They were getting the things that they desired and needed and I was still stuck wondering why. Now I know why. So in this season it is my prayer that God's will be done in your life. I am getting specific about the things that I need and desire.

This year I cannot afford to be consumed by the chaos of others. And neither can you. Pardon the French but you are not "Captain Save a Hoe". At some point they have to learn to go to God for themselves and identify what it is that is hindering them. You have your own cross to carry. Don't pick their cross up. And if they get mad oh well. That isn't your problem either. They may need to hit rock bottom so that God can show them who He is.

Love yourself enough to get it together. This journey I am on some may not understand and I don't owe them an explanation. Neither do you.

One Love!



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