
Happy New Year to you all! This is my first blog of 2017!

This year I am more determined to stay focus on what matters because that is what is magnified. I am more determined not to be distracted. I am in the process of shifting certain areas of my life that I need to focus on.

It is my prayer that you do the same. Please focus on what you need to focus on for you. I have learned that if I keep reliving my past I will never appreciate my present and my future. Focus on purpose for purpose. Smile more, change your conversations to those that inspire you to do better. That may mean interacting with other people. (The introvert in me just fussed me out)

This year no one should have to repeat to you what you already know because you are focused. You are loved and you are successful. Get ready to experience one of the best years ever.

One Love!



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