Comparing Struggles?

One of the worse things that you could say to a person that is opening up to you is this:

"At least you haven't....."
We all have a struggle in life that we deal with. Trials and tribulations do come. And it isn't easy for some people to come out say what it is that they are facing. So when they come to you it means something. It means that they trust you and they are in a state of emergency. When a person is wounded we do not add salt to the wound. Be the ear that they are looking for in that moment. If you have ever experienced what they are going through share your story. Don't get super duper deep and start quoting things you probably don't read yourself (had to go there, if it doesn't apply don't get offended). If you are still experiencing it don't fake. Tell them you understand their pain and pray for each other in that moment.

Whatever you do please don't belittle their situation. They should never feel worse leaving your presence. They should feel a little better at least. At the same time do not take on their burden. It is not your responsibility to shoulder their pain. And they should not shoulder your pain either.

Here is not comparing struggles in life. Here is to overcoming and being a witness that you can live the dream when it should be a hellish nightmare.

1 Peter 5:7 NKJV reads: "casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you"

Jesus loves you and so do I.


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