Delayed is never Denied. Do Not Stop!

This is a blog of encouragement and it is also part of my testimony. I hope that it elevates your thinking and encourages your heart.

I graduated high school in 1998 from Hibriten High School in Lenoir, North Carolina by the skin of my teeth. I actually had to attend Saturday school in order to get my diploma. And it wasn't that I couldn't do the work. I passed all my mandatory classes such as Math, English, Science, etc. I failed certain electives on purpose to prove this one point: I was always right and I would always get my way. It got me right in to Saturday school. Kudos Rika.. Kudos. Shortly after graduation I moved back to Maryland to help some family for a while. When I came back to North Carolina, I gave my life to Christ for real, and started working.

In 2000 or 2001, I decided that I wanted to pursue my college education. I attended the community college in my county and only got 3 or 6 credits. Whomp. Why? Because during a break I worked 40 hours a week at my job and liked the money more. And I was able to help more around the house. We stayed in North Carolina until 2002. I had decided I was not coming to Maryland but I was going to move to Texas and be grown at 21. Jesus said no. He told me to come back to Maryland. I was like why? All I heard was crickets but I was obedient and I am glad I was. Shortly after moving back here my father passed in January of 2003 and months later I had an aunt who helped raise me to pass. If I had been in Texas I probably wouldn't have been able to make it home for either service.

Fast forward a little to 2009 when I started attending Strayer University. I was a 4.0 student and we had a blizzard here. With the blizzard Metro was not running and I couldn't get to class. As a result the professors dropped me (even though I communicated) and the school demanded that I give back the refund I received. And until I paid it back I could not attend the school. Really? I can't control the weather but okay. I resumed going to school at PG Community College where I became a member of the Hillman Entreprenuer's Program. I could not afford to pay Strayer back so they held my grades that would allow me to graduate. I continued to take classes though sending what I could so the balance would at least go down. In the beginning of the HEP, I was able to attend all meetings and classes until life happened. Two people in my house became seriously ill and I had to step up and take care of my house which meant I had to miss a lot of class and meetings. I was in communication with the director of the program and after I asked for a leave of absence due to my own illness that almost had me in the hospital I was told I was no longer in the program.

Now what Jesus. I am being obedient. I am paying my tithes and offering, serving at home and out of the home.  I don't understand why this area of my life is getting tampered with. (My conversations with Jesus on the regular during 2014-2015). It got to the point where I told Jesus I didn't want to do anything anymore. I didn't want to dance, write, nothing. It seemed to me things we were better when I didn't consult Him. Lies..

In July 2015 I started at the University of Phoenix. I explained to them my financial and former school situation and they said it wasn't a problem. I prayed and asked God that if it His will please let no interference come my way as I pursued my purpose.

Prior to this conversation, I went to the beach. (Backtracking so you can fully get this) As I was having my morning devotion on beach I heard God clearly say "I tell the waves where to go and when to pull back. I tell the sun to rise like this and set like that. What makes you think I need your help". You're right sir. You don't. I got it. From that moment I tapped out.

Needless to say I graduate on July 30th, 2016 with my Associates in Human Services and start my Bachelors in September with 75 of my 120 credits already applied.

Delayed is never denied. You just have to get in His will and out of your own way.


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