Learning to seek God instead of people

Scripture reference: Psalm 63

God wants us to seek Him early and stop consulting people. We have seen God do it over and over again yet we still doubt. People show us who they are and how they hinder us and we keep going back to them. Their approval has become an addiction that we are unwilling to be set free from because we like the attention whether negative or positive. When will we remove the cobwebs from our ears, the spiderwebs from our eyes. It's like we are in a chosen state of denial and then we are begging the Lord to get us out.

We have seen the power and the glory. We have to seek God early. His love for us is better than life...

We have got to stop the madness. We know who God is. 

Be encouraged. Know you are loved and that there are people praying with and for you. 


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