Necessary Roughness

Currently this is what has been getting me through. Necessary roughness is the Lord removing stuff from me that I don't need and that will hinder me. I call it this because it is rough but necessary. We can have a tendency to get comfortable in the wrong things, places, and people. It is actually more of an addiction because when we become separated from that wrong we start acting out, going through withdrawals, etc.

If we want greater we need to let this "Necessary Roughness" do what it is assigned to do. Work out the kinks. We will never be perfect but we will become better. Listed below are some "Necessary Roughness" quotes. Hope they make sense to you sooner rather than later. And always remember what the Bible says.. "My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees." -Psalm 119:71 (NLT)

Rest well. Pay attention.

- If you want to be a diamond you must be willing to be cut
-If you want the best be willing to conquer the worst
-If you want the promotion you cannot hate the work

Fredrika M Sellers


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