
Showing posts from 2015

Have you ever considered the glue?

With it being the holiday season we often rely on certain people to hold things together. This has happened for centuries. We call them "the glue". All the pieces come back together because of the glue. However, do we ever consider what the glue goes through? Let's go there. 1) When not needed the glue is ignored. It sits on a shelf for long periods of time without a thought given to the fact that the tip (head) is dried up from a previous use.  2) The glue gets poured out and squeezed in extreme circumstances. Sometimes the person doing the squeezing barely recognizes the strength they are using.  3) The glue is carrying a lot of weight. It is again holding pieces together that carry a mass weight. The glue has to harden itself to hold everything together. 4) Finally, the glue cannot be refilled. Once empty it is thrown away and replaced.  Again I ask, have you ever considered the glue? Consider what (who) you are using. Ask yourself if you want to throw them away. ...

When we can get real?

This is a very transparent blog. There may be a scripture reference at the end. There may not be. Life gets hard. You often have to remind yourself that you can't let your feelings rule your life. This is what I am learning in this current stage in my life. When I go to talk to someone I don't want a deep answer at this point. There are so many deep people out here that they are drowning in teaspoons full of water. Why don't you just say you have been through it or you have not? And if you have how did you get through it? Have you ever cried, cussed, cried and cussed? Let's just get real for a minute. I know I have done that and some more when I have gone through. It's like the concept of being human has completely gone out the window. Can we just get real with people for once in our lives? Tell someone you have been broke, heartbroken, frustrated, fired, whatever it is? Every person does not know the scripture from beginning to end. You don't either. However,...

Learning to seek God instead of people

Scripture reference: Psalm 63 God wants us to seek Him early and stop consulting people. We have seen God do it over and over again yet we still doubt. People show us who they are and how they hinder us and we keep going back to them. Their approval has become an addiction that we are unwilling to be set free from because we like the attention whether negative or positive. When will we remove the cobwebs from our ears, the spiderwebs from our eyes. It's like we are in a chosen state of denial and then we are begging the Lord to get us out. We have seen the power and the glory. We have to seek God early. His love for us is better than life... We have got to stop the madness. We know who God is.  Be encouraged. Know you are loved and that there are people praying with and for you. 


I'm learning to recognize that some folk are just comfortable in their chaos and I refuse to conform to the confusion. Hoarding of stuff physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally can jack you all the way up. Feeling cluttered is not cool. At some point you have got to become irritated with the mess you have surrounded yourself with. At this moment, you need to use what filters you were blessed with. Take me for instance. I have no filter but everyone's mess doesn't reach my inbox. Some stuff gets trashed immediately. Why? Because they know better and refuse to do it. I'm not fighting my battles and yours. With love you tried it.  Going forward pray that God's will be done. And if it doesn't line up pray for it to be dismissed quickly.  With love

Struggling with Protection

As I get closer to my 35th birthday I'm realizing that I don't have the memories that other people have. I don't remember kindergarten through the first half of my second grade year. When I'm around those talking about that time it gets difficult because I can't tell you what I can't remember. At times I feel like I'm being protected and in all honesty I struggle with it. I have feel like I have a right to know. Just being honest and transparent here. I'm writing this blog tonight to encourage myself. Be thankful for the protection. The bible tells us that 10,000 will fall but it won't come near you. Psalm 91. I guess I should be happy that I don't have to struggle with what I can't remember. I'll get there eventually. Just know that you aren't the only one who is struggling with this. I'll be reading Psalm 91 tonight. I encourage you all to do the same. Let's dwell in His protection and not what we don't know. 

How Mature Are You?

"Bless those that persecute you; bless and so not curse." -Romans 12:14 (NIV) That moment when a favorite verse jacks you all the way up. Yes that happened to me and now I am sharing what I got out of it. It doesn't matter what they do because you won't be held accountable for them. You will be held accountable for what you do. Mature Christians bless those who are trying to kill them. They overlook the fault like the Lord does for us and they allow the Lord to use them to supply that person's need. God blesses through all kinds of people. How mature are you? Consider that those you are persecuting are probably on assignment by God to be a blessing to you. We can't pop off. Jesus for the win. One love fam!

Single and Virtuous

As I was in my quiet time the other day I started thinking about Ruth, Esther, and the Proverbs 31 woman. As a single woman I have always known the Proverbs 31 woman to be a married hard working woman. And that is true because it is in the Bible in the book of Proverbs 31 starting at verse 10. (Men you need to read Proverbs 31:1-9) What a lot women don't know is that the term "Virtuous Woman" is first found in Ruth 3:11. At the time she was not married to Boaz. She was still single and working in a field that was not common. She didn't own her own business yet. Then I thought of Esther. The king didn't know who she was until she was prepared and ready to be presented. I'm saying this to all the single women including myself: You can still be virtuous. You will at times have to work with integrity out of your comfort zone and for a while be okay with be hidden while you are being prepared and processed. You can be single and virtuous. You just have make the...

Necessary Roughness

Currently this is what has been getting me through. Necessary roughness is the Lord removing stuff from me that I don't need and that will hinder me. I call it this because it is rough but necessary. We can have a tendency to get comfortable in the wrong things, places, and people. It is actually more of an addiction because when we become separated from that wrong we start acting out, going through withdrawals, etc. If we want greater we need to let this "Necessary Roughness" do what it is assigned to do. Work out the kinks. We will never be perfect but we will become better. Listed below are some "Necessary Roughness" quotes. Hope they make sense to you sooner rather than later. And always remember what the Bible says.. " My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees." -Psalm 119:71 (NLT) Rest well. Pay attention. - If you want to be a diamond you must be willing to be cut -If you want the best be willing ...

Let the Vision Speak. Work Quietly

Often times in life we talk way too much. We share our most intimate dreams, fears, and other valuable thoughts with the wrong people. Who are the wrong people you ask? Those who don't support you and show it through their actions, those who show you over and over again that they cannot be trusted. When will you share this with the one who gave it to you in the first place? God is always there to lend an ear and show you what it is that you need to do concerning the vision that He gave you. The wrong people didn't show you anything positive. Stop feeding into them. Hunger after God and thirst after Him. In Habakkuk 2:1-3 the Bible says "it will speak". Let your vision speak for itself. Do what God told you to do concerning that vision. Your vision has a voice that needs to be heard. Don't drown it out. Work quietly. Share with those you are lead to share with. Those who pray and don't prey. Hope this is a blessing to you. I will post scripture references b...

Learning to Love Better

It's hard to love something or someone you don't understand. This can include yourself. When it gets to this point you must make the decision to start a relationship with the vision, with people, but most importantly start a relationship with God. When you get to know Him better He shows you things about yourself that you refused to see. The closer you get to the Lord He gives you desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4 The closer you get to Him He encourages you to write your vision. Habakkuk 2:2-3 The closer you get to Him He will cause you to shake things up with prayer and praise. Acts 16:25 You are wonderfully made. He reveals that to you. Psalm 139:14-16 This is just a little note. Love you better.