Who do you really trust?

This post is going to probably get some of you to delete me from your life and to be honest I am okay with that. I have to be obedient to what God says and not what you feel. And this post is dealing with who you really trust and how you expose it God and to the world.

Some of you are consulting tarot cards, mediums, and psychics. With the same breath you are telling God you trust Him and only Him and then wonder why you are all over the place and cannot catch a break. You won't read your Bible, barely come to church, and pay somebody money who has a demonic spirit. Don't you realize that the devil hears your prayers to and that he can appear as an angel of light? He isn't interested in getting you better because he knows if you do what God is telling you to do like: read your Bible, go to church, etc that you would defeat him.

What are the cards telling you about your life? Is it lining up with the word of God? If you can't answer that question than the answer is no. The mediums see spirits as well but there is no spirit that can tell you and guide you like the Holy Spirit. You go to someone who you pay money to that reads your hand and asks you to look in a crystal ball. The Bible is the best thing you can look in: Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth. Once you purchase a Bible you don't have to schedule payments or spend any extra money asking someone who doesn't know you about your future. God sees. God knows. God is waiting for you with open arms.

Light and darkness cannot exist in the same areas. Either you are for God or you are against Him. There is no darkness in God. Below this post I am going to post some scriptures for you to read so that you can better understand what God says concerning this. It is my prayer that you consult God concerning your life and not consult the darkness. It just doesn't affect you but it affects everyone connected to you.

I love you enough to tell you the truth. The tarot cards, the mediums, the psychics are not the way to go. "Jesus answered, I am the way, the truth, and the life...." John 14:6(NIV) Go to Jesus. He paid it all on Calvary.

Acts 13:4-12
Acts 16:16-18
Romans 13:11-12
Romans 16:17-18
Galatians 3:1
Galatians 5:7-8

These scriptures speak against it. The scriptures that I am posting now are to encourage you
Psalm 23
Psalm 24
Psalm 37:3-5
Psalm 46
Psalm 62:11-12
Psalm 71:5-6
Jeremiah 1:5
Jeremiah 29:11
Zephaniah 3:14-17
Luke 1:45
Luke 11:9-10
John 1:1
John 3:16
John 14:6-7
Acts 16:25-26
Romans 8 the whole chapter..

There are more I could give you but I encourage you to do the research yourself. Take notes. Pray before you read to get an understanding. God loves you and wants you to come to Him. Take advantage of this freedom He is giving you in this moment.

Know that you are loved by Jesus and I love you too!

Rest well,


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