It's ok to say you aren't ok. You are human. It is a sign of maturity and it is a sign of strength. The past couple of days for me haven't been the best and I have learned not to put on the mask of perfection. Often times we carry ourselves like we have no problems and live in a fantasy world when in reality we want to scream and cry and throw stuff(well I do anyway and I have my moments when I do) I am thankful though that I have family and friends who allow me to express how I am feeling. They correct me when needed, comfort when asked, and pray as always. I want to tell all of you out there that it really is ok to tell someone: "Hey.. I'm not ok.. I'm not feeling this." It is better to talk about it than to think about it. Your thoughts can wear you down. I encourage you to pray for a mentor, to journal your thoughts, and to talk to someone that can lead, guide, and direct you in the right direction. Some of the strongest people go through the tough...