Be Mindful
There is a lot going on with people right now. And they are running on fumes. At times they will come to you. Not for an opinion or advice, but because they need an ear. They will be talking about things you have never experienced or been taught about. Because they need an ear. They won't say anything sometimes, because they only need your presence. Stop pushing them to speak. When they are ready to open up they will. They may just need to be by themselves. They aren't ready to jump off a bridge but they are overstimulated by life and need to recharge. Let them. Don't call back to back to back to back. Let them get themselves together. When they are ready, they will reach out. Please don't tell them that you understand. Especially if you don't. What they may be struggling with you could be complaining about. They don't have enough to pay their bills but you are complaining that you have to pay them. Be thankful that you can do that. If you have been in their...