Dangerously Distracted?
Based off of Galatians 5:7-10 We are often on fire for the Lord and we desire to do His will, we have a new praise in our spirit and yeah we know how we do. All of a sudden we stop short. Is it because of family, friends, situations, and circumstances? Am I my own stumbling block? These are things we have to look at when we find ourselves to be what I like to call dangerously distracted. Look at what you used to do and what you are doing now. Can you see the difference in your actions, demeanor, and behavior? When you are truly focused stuff may come and you still have joy. Then we actually look at the situation. Big mistake. Yes it is a reality for you and I'm not knocking that. Trust me I've been there so I understand. What I am still learning is that you have to remember what the Word says. Stop letting everyone in your ear. Especially before and after you know God just opened your heart and poured into you. Some seeds that are planted are not to benefit you but to distrac...